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Roma Solomon, MBBS

Director CGPP India, Core Group Polio Project (CGPP)
Gurugram, India

Roma Solomon is a medical doctor by profession with more than 40 years of experience of working in community health programs in India, Nepal and Bangladesh. She has worked both at grassroots as well as managerial levels for various international organizations. Since 1999, Roma has directed the secretariat of an non-governmental organization consortium (CORE Group Polio Project India) that works to eradicate polio and improve routine immunization in high-risk states of India. Bringing in civil society perspectives in demand generation for immunization, she also represented it as the chair of the Gavi Civil Society Organization (CSO) Steering Committee and member of the Oversight Advisory Group that monitors and evaluates the Gavi CSO platform project. She has been the CSO representative on the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) for two years and a member of the Transition Independent Monitoring Board for polio at the global level.


The Untold Story of Community Mobilizers Re-engaging a Disengaged Community During the Endemic Era of India’s Polio Eradication Program

Significance of a social mobilization intervention for engaging communities in polio vaccination campaigns: Evidence from CORE Group Polio Project, Uttar Pradesh, India

Effectiveness of a community-level social mobilization intervention in achieving the outcomes of polio vaccination campaigns during the post-polio-endemic period: Evidence from CORE Group Polio Project in Uttar Pradesh, India 


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