Anita Shet, MD
Anita Shet is a pediatric infectious diseases specialist with broad interests in childhood infections in low- and middle-income countries with a specific focus on vaccine-preventable infections. Her interests include clinical epidemiology and immunology of dengue infections in infants and children. She leads a multicenter study on surveillance of invasive pneumococcal infections and clinical pneumonia in children, and is evaluating the impact of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine rollout in India. Her research also explores the link between timely immunization and cognitive outcomes in children. She has experience in the care of children living with HIV, and her previous research has explored drug adherence and treatment outcomes in HIV using complex interventions designed to modify behavior. Her interests include studying the interactions of nutrition and infection, and her previous studies explored the effect of iron supplementation in HIV-infected children with anemia and inflammation. She currently serves on the Council of the International Congress of Infectious Diseases, and is member of the Dengue Vaccines Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Workgroup. She also serves on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Candidate Vaccine Advisory Committee and the Steering Group on Epidemiological Preparation for Vaccine Trials established by the Indo-US Vaccine Action Program to provide guidance on epidemiological and vaccine studies for dengue and chikungunya control in India.
Effect of mobile telephone reminders on treatment outcome in HIV
Childhood immunisations in India during the COVID-19 pandemic
VARN2023 Conference Report (French)
Quand les communautés dirigent, l’immunisation mondiale réussit
VARN2023 Conference Report
Findings and insights from the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s VARN2023 conference
VARN2023 Conference: When Communities Lead, Global Immunization Succeeds
Explore the report, presentations and recordings from the VARN2023 Conference.